I can't believe our little guy is already 9 months old. He is acting like a big boy lately because of all the new things he has learned. He can pull himself up to stand, and finally sit himself back down. he can squat from a standing position, new favorite activity-unrolling the toilet paper. He loves finger food now that he can eat it, still no teeth though. He is always trying to play with his big brother and sister
9 Month Stats
Max-Weight 18.5 pounds 25th percentile
Matthew-Weight 19.10 pounds 25th percentile
Molly-Weight 16.8 pounds 10th percentile
I couldn't find the sheet with height at the moment so I will post that when I do
Past, Present, Future picture 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months onesies
9 Months
1 Month
Look what I can do
He is starting to do this pirate look in a lot of pictures