
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spring Sing

Sorry this was from a few weeks ago, I thought I had posted it, but I guess I did not.  This was Matthew's 1st year with a music teacher so this was his first spring music show.  It was pretty exciting they got to go to the high school to perform it.    

Fossil Rock

Matthew's 1st grade class put on a musical performance called Fossil Rock.  They have been studying dinosaurs the past few weeks and there were songs about dinosaurs in this performance.  It was so cute the kids did an amazing job, they knew those songs and sang so loud.  Matthew had a speaking part towards the end of the performance.

 He did such a great job and read with expression.

 Logan had a great time.  All 3 little ones were really good.  Its amazing what food and loud music can do.  Molly was trying to sing and dance along with them, it was cute.

Friday, May 8, 2015


I wanted to get some nice pictures of the kids in their Easter clothes and I always love all the tulips that are at Cantigny around this time, so we spent some time last week taking pictures.  We actually got some good ones, which surprised me because usually when I try to get pictures of all 3 together it does not come out well.  

 Matthew did some editing 

 They told me they wanted to do a photo bomb

 We changed out of the dress clothes and just had fun there too.

 He didn't want to go on the tanks but he thought he was pretty cool underneath them.