
Thursday, May 30, 2013

First Foods

Max started having his first solids a few weeks ago.  Right now he is finishing up the vegetable portion.  In case anyone forgot you have to do the same one for 3 days then switch to the next, to test for allergies.  He is a champ and seems to love them all.
 Squash was first, he is even smiling.

 Next came peas.  He looks a little unsure, but in his defense he was crying prior to this.

 This was really the only time he got messy, he doesn't like to waste

 If you can't tell in this one, he has become such an expert he can now feed himself.  He knows the spoon goes to your mouth.  (along with everything else) If you click on the pictures they will get bigger if you can't see.
 I got this
 Green beans

 I'm ready mom, hurry up, I got my mouth open.
 Sweet Potatoes
Next up, fruits-pears


I think the Arboretum pass is one of the best investments for us.  They love it, you can run around, the children's garden is great, and it always looks different. 

 Nine,  Molly, Matthew
 Mommy, Max, Matthew
 I wish I could get my flowers to look like this, and this was just a small portion of the area.
 Maze time
 It was touch and go there if we were going to make it out before the rain.

Frog Week

My mom and I had this great idea to do all different units throughout the summer and this week was frog week.  Now I know what you are thinking, how cruel to make the kids do work in the summer when they are off.  But first of all I am a teacher and you should always be learning, plus I love getting the chance to be creative and teach.  Second, we are doing fun stuff, activities, and field trips. Plus I am quitting my one day a week job, I can't help it I had burn out from work-just kidding.  It won't work with Matthew's new school schedule.  So I have more time to have fun with the kids.
 We painted frogs with green paint, salt, and glue.  Then we made the life cycle(okay that was more educational, but they loved it)
 Molly's work
 We made frog cakes.

 Then to end it we went on the hunt for tadpoles at the Arboretum

We found a bunch.  Molly loved it this year, every time she found even one she shouted at us to come and look.  This week they also made an itsy bitsy frog book, which they love reading to us.  They pretended they were frogs catching flies with a party horn, and caught "flies" with clothespins.  It was a great week, next up pirate week.  Guess where we are going that week.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Having Fun

 Matthew's at a sleepover, so we are having a tea party.

 Daddy knows the etiquette, pinkies up

 Now the dollies are having a tea party
 He was so cute, he had his hand around his buffalo-first souvenir from the zoo.

Big Boy Toys

Max is getting so big so fast, he is ready for his big toys
He loves the jumparoo 
He had to touch everything, here he's reaching for the bird 
 I can reach both sides
This looks interesting
 And his new wheels
 Exersaucer fun
When you look at all these pictures there are two babies that don't belong, who are they? and which ones?