
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Frog Week

My mom and I had this great idea to do all different units throughout the summer and this week was frog week.  Now I know what you are thinking, how cruel to make the kids do work in the summer when they are off.  But first of all I am a teacher and you should always be learning, plus I love getting the chance to be creative and teach.  Second, we are doing fun stuff, activities, and field trips. Plus I am quitting my one day a week job, I can't help it I had burn out from work-just kidding.  It won't work with Matthew's new school schedule.  So I have more time to have fun with the kids.
 We painted frogs with green paint, salt, and glue.  Then we made the life cycle(okay that was more educational, but they loved it)
 Molly's work
 We made frog cakes.

 Then to end it we went on the hunt for tadpoles at the Arboretum

We found a bunch.  Molly loved it this year, every time she found even one she shouted at us to come and look.  This week they also made an itsy bitsy frog book, which they love reading to us.  They pretended they were frogs catching flies with a party horn, and caught "flies" with clothespins.  It was a great week, next up pirate week.  Guess where we are going that week.

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