
Friday, June 7, 2013

Pirate Week

This week was pirate week and it was a big hit.  We had so many fun things to do and the kids had a great time, especially getting to dress up and have sword battles.
 Our little pirates
 Sword battling
 They did ship sequencing,(smallest to biggest), we made a couple of little books.  They love making these books and reading them to you.
 We dug for buried treasure.  A huge hit.

 They colored treasure chests, and then glued treasure in them.
 They made pirate ships

 Max joined in on the fun.

 We ended our week with a trip to where else but Pirate's Cove.  Max as our captain.
 Pirates Matthew and Molly
 They are saying "Arr."
 Walking the plank

 Molly picked up a little more girlie pirate gear.

What a fun week.  Next week is cookie week, so if you are nearby be sure to stop over for some cookies.

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