
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random Cuteness

 This night we had a girls night out, we met Ti ti for a pre birthday dinner.
 Molly had to take two purses.
 By the time we got to the restaurant and I went to get Molly out she had on about 8 bracelets, sunglasses, and 5 necklaces.  When we walked in someone asked for her autograph.

 Matthew, Ti ti, Max

Nine always tries to say that Molly has crazy hair and that she gets it from Bo bo's side.  Well take a look at the picture below.  This is Nine when she was little, notice a similar hair style to Molly's above.
 When Nine showed Molly this picture she could believe it was her, she could not believe it was Uncle Bobby though.
 She just looks like she is having a diva pose here.

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