
Saturday, October 12, 2013


 A is for Apple-apple bobbing
 Very hysterical thing to watch, I had tiny apples that I still had to chop

 Taffy Apples

 Apple paiting
 Don't they look cute playing together

 I had to post all our free Lego kits we've done since August, my very nice mom goes and sits at the Lego store with me once or twice a month for free lego builds, then on some Saturdays Toys R Us gives out Legos.  We have actually added two more to the collection since I took this and each child has their own set, so we have double what you see here.  
 I am behind on posting this too, here is our new niece or nephew/cousin.  We get to find out on Thanksgiving whether we are having a a niece or nephew.  
 Max's first trip to the Children's Museum

 Cosley Zoo-Nine, Molly, and Matthew

 Max loved the ducks

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