
Monday, April 7, 2014

Logan is Here!

Meet our new nephew/cousin, Logan Thomas Maginity
April 5, 2014, 3:44pm, 6 lbs 4 oz, and 19.5 inches long
What a peanut!  As Barbie pointed out he made my kids look like bald, chubby babies, since all of mine were much bigger than him, the closest was Molly at 7 lbs 14 oz, Matthew and Max were over two pounds bigger at 8 lbs 7 oz and 8 lbs 8 oz.  There will definitely be no Patty Duke like sitcoms with these cousins.

 The happy parents

 Cousins, and my gigantic looking little man-Max, I do not like this picture, he looks way too big.

 Nine and Logan

 Bo bo and Logan
 Uncle Grant and Logan
 Auntie Cathy and Logan
 Yeah Ti ti, he's awesome
 Matthew is just in awe, he loves him so much already.  He told Grant that we need to have another baby.  

 Matthew loves taking pictures, he even told me how I should pose

 Even Logan is already giving me the look that says get the crazy camera lady out of my face.

 Ready to sneeze
 Uncle Grant putting him to sleep

 Ready to go home.

 Max waiting outside the hospital

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