
Friday, October 24, 2014

October Randoms

 We went to the library for a Little Reads program, you got a free book so of course I signed up all 3 kids.  It was very cute and they had this art project to make.

 These two cuties in their monster clothes-Max and Logan

 I wanted to get a picture of Logan's Alfalfa look and Max wanted to get in on the fun.
 These two are going to be trouble when Logan can walk

 Logan modeling some of the skates I make
 It may be a little hard to tell but Molly has purple lip gloss all over her face.  When I picked her up from preschool Thursday this is how she looked.  Apparently, while waiting in their circle to be called one of her friends had some lip gloss and she put it all over her face.

 Our poor Maxie had a rough week.  He had a bad bronchial issue so he has to have a nebulizer for like a week.  He's a tough guy and its really hard to watch him like this.  He is pretty good at it, just a little fighting.
Here is the four cousins on the Paulsen side.  

 The four cousins on the Panfil side

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