
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Eve

We were very blessed this year and welcomed two nephew/cousins into the world.  Logan is 8 months and Chase is two months, we were very fortunate to spend Christmas Eve with both of them.  The first Christmas with the new little one is always so much fun, we had such a great time.  It was so amazing to see how much of a difference just 6 months makes in our two nephews. You don't always realize how incredibly fast they grow and change in that first year.  
 Uncle Dane. Chase, and Aunt Danielle 
 Chase already learned that clothes is not very interesting to pay attention too.  
 Our kids liked helping to open Chase's presents and explaining what they were.
 Uncle Grant and Chase
 At least Chase looks happy, Matthew's new smile seems to be more of a painful look than a smile.

 The boys
 Our Family

 Logan and Molly
 Bo bo and Nine with their 4 grandkids
 Daddy and Max
 Molly and Mikayla
 Uncle Bobby and Matthew

 Max being used to push the garbage into the bag
Matthew's turn

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