
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

We had a great time at Moretti's this year again.  The kids have so much fun because they get to have noise makers and throw confetti everywhere.  Matthew did the Cha Cha Slide and Max loved dumping confetti on himself.  It was a little rough since I have a horrible cold so we did New York's New Years celebrations and ended a little early for the evening.  We had already celebrated at 9 at Moretti's though too.  Maybe next year our two nephews/cousins will join us at Moretti's, two little boys would love throwing confetti around too.  

 Nine and Molly
 He was waiting for his ice cream.  They bring the toppings in bowls and all the bowls were right in front of Bo bo.  He was giving death stares to Bo bo and kept yelling at him about his bowl.  It was pretty funny, he thought Bo bo was hogging all the bowls for himself.

Nine and Matthew
 Almost time for the balloon/confetti/candy drop.
 Here it comes

 I think we then spent at least 30 minutes playing with the confetti from the floor.  They even passed out cups of confetti before the balloon drop.

 Max had the most fun dropping it on himself.

 Everybody got Max

 then Matthew

 and finally Molly girl

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