
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Kohl's Children's Museum

Since we had some cold weather we decided to keep our activities indoors for spring break.  On this day we went to the Kohl's Children's Museum.  This is one of my favorite places and the first time Max has really been old enough to enjoy it.  Matthew is starting to get to an age where he questions whether he is too old for things, so he was hesitant here.  Obviously, he is trying to give me panic attacks by thinking he already too old for things at 7, I mean really?
 My 3 babies all in the same area around the same age.  Max is the oldest though.  
 Grocery shopping

 These two play with dolls all the time at home

 Making some Pot Belly sandwiches with Bo bo

 Vet time

 Face Painting-Molly and Bo bo
 Max was so serious the entire time Matthew did this, be barely moved

 This area was cute, the pictures are a little blurry though.  There was a green screen they got to change the background on.

 Molly wanted to act like a mermaid in the sea background.  On the floor you couldn't see her...
 so Bo bo was a prop for her to sit on.

 Max is the one in red,  and on the left are Molly's hands

 Max was just in awe we let him make a mess with water and believe me he was a mess.

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