
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

American Girl Lunch

For Molly's 5th Birthday she decided to not have a party instead we went to the American Girl Store for lunch downtown.
 Their matching outfits

 Nine and Molly
 Ti ti and Molly
 Aunt Danielle and Molly
 Mommy, Molly, and Daddy
 Mackenzie, Juliana, Aunt Danielle, Molly, Ti ti, Nine, Daddy

 Her doll got a chair to sit in at the table with us and her own plate and cup to take home.  


 Her birthday cake

 They also got birthday tiaras.  Our dessert was the cake and then ice cream in that flower pot.  It was too cute.

We stopped at the bean on our walk from the train station to Water Tower.

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