
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nursery Rhyme-A-Palooza

This past Wednesday was Nursery Rhyme-A-Palooza in Matthew's kindergarten class.  The kids memorized around 24 nursery rhymes.  They recited them all as a class, and some kids acted out different parts.

 Matthew was a baker in Pat a Cake

 Also a baker in Hot Cross Buns
 Lastly, he was Wee Willie Winkie.  This was a last minute part.  The child who was supposed to be this part started crying when the teacher told him his part, so then of the other boys wanted to be it.  The teacher knew that if she told Matthew he would of course do it.

 This was very cute they did what are Little Girls Made of and the girls stood up.
 Then the boys stood up for what are little boys made of?  Matthew felt he was more sugar and spice and everything nice, and Molly was more the boy parts.
 The teacher had them all pose for each of their parts.

Watching her big brother

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