
Sunday, June 15, 2014

1st Week

This was our first week watching our nephew/cousin Logan.  The kids loved it.  Every week after this will be a piece of cake compared to this week.  Matthew had basketball camp everyday and we drove a friend to camp, so I was getting 5 kids in and out of the car twice a day. Five bigger kids not a big deal but five 6 and under is a challenge.   One person told me I had my hands and arms full.  I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world though, because getting to watch Logan is awesome. (I've even got somewhat used to the 6 am  drop off). But of course the kids were super helpful and we love having him here.  Max seems to love him a ton and I think they are going to be best friends.

 Max loves having all these old  baby toys out.Apparently this is a good snacking chair.

 Molly likes them too

 Hanging out in Max's crib

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