
Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Dells-Day 2

 Breakfast at Paul Bunyan's
 Bo bo, Matthew, Daddy, Molly

We got some surprise guests-Ti ti and Logan joined us.  It was all 4 kids first Duck ride

 Ti ti and Logan
Matthew and Bo bo
 Mommy and Max
 Ti ti and Logan in front of a Duck

 Ti ti, Logan, Nine, Matthew, Molly, Max, Daddy, Bo bo

 This is Logan happy before the ride started

 This is Logan's scared face when riding the Ducks

 Max was enjoying himself

 Max got a little wet
 The deer we saw on our ride
 Again just like Disney, there we saw giraffes on the Kilmanjaro Safari ride, here we saw deer on our Duck ride
 On to Timbavati Wildlife Park
 Max was waving at a badger

 This crazy guy did not like Nine, when she went near the cage it raced up to the cage and jumped on it.  It freaked us all out.

 They have to pose by everything, especially Matthew

 These guys were too cute

 Max loved the goats

 Feeding camels

 Isn't this white tiger beautiful

 Logan in his swimsuit

 Another scared face of Logan
 I don't think he liked his first time swimming, or really just dipping his toes in the water.

 Max enjoying the lazy river

 Logan is thankful he is out of the pool 
 Bo bo and Matthew trying some acrobatic routines

 Molly tried too, just a little lower

 It was a stressful day for this little guy,  he got scared on the Ducks, and did not want any part of swimming.  Finally some piece and quiet to sleep.
 Matthew, Bo bo, and Molly

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