
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Molly's 1st Day

Molly had her first day of preschool this week.  I can't believe it.  She had a great time at the open house on Tuesday and made a friend right away.  When we dropped her off on Thursday she first wanted to clarify that we would walk her in because sometimes Matthew we drive through the carpool lane now.  Once in the room she said goodbye at the door.  I was like, can I walk you in and help you with your name tag and cubbie?  When we picked her up Mrs. Karima said she did a great job and played with a little girl named Jessica the whole time.  This was the same little girl she played with on Tuesday.  She had so much to say after school and talked for many hours after school.  She is lucky because she has Connor Hubberts in her class too (the boy she says is her future husband, which he has finally agreed to).
 This was from Tuesday, her by her cubbie on the bottom.

 I took a bunch of these, then realized I wrote August 4th, so we had to redo them.
 By designer she wants to make toys like Legos, American Girls, and more.

 She found the hat and mitten drawer while I was fixing the date.

 Max was all set too.

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