
Sunday, April 7, 2013

First Swimming

I apologize for being so far behind on updating the kids' website.  Who would have though with 3 kids I'd have very little time.  We have been very busy the last few weeks and weekends so there is finally a break in the craziness to relax and update the website.  There have been many firsts for Max lately so posting with probably take multiple days.  We hope you enjoy
 All ready to go swimming.  This is how we relaxed the day after Ti ti and Uncle Steve's wedding.  Nine and Bo bo stayed at Indian Lakes so we came back the next day to swim.

 Not so sure
 Not liking it at first

 He is liking it a little better
 Molly is having a great time

 He didn't last long in the pool, but he didn't really cry either, so it was a successful first swimming experience.
Mikayla, Molly, Bo bo, and Matthew

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