
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ti ti and Uncle Steve's Wedding

Mommy's ready to go, Max still needs his tux on.
Getting her hair done by Cassie
Mikayla and Molly
There we go now the little guy is getting ready to go

Always being silly
Not a picture of the kids, but I absolutely love this picture of Barbie, so I had to include it.  Especially being the proud sister I am, and she looks gorgeous.
This is a cool one of the bride and groom.
Ti ti and little Ti ti

 Check out the flowers, they are blue, I love this picture too
 Ti ti and Max

 Matthew and Uncle Steve
 Here comes Matthew and Max
 Matthew of course did awesome, no surprise there though.

 All these pictures of Molly are great so I included them all.  I especially like them because she did so great which is a big surprise because she's kind of a loose cannon. 

 Leaving the wedding
 Being introduced, my handsome boys
 Uncle Steve had this awesome picture planned, and Miss Molly was not having it.    Even the threat of not receiving a toy did not work.
Bridal party

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