
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Matthew Updates

I thought I'd take a little time and say some things about each kid.  Today we are learning about Matthew who will always be my little man.
  • Matthew graduates from preschool at the beginning of May (I'll probably cry most of the ceremony) and you know I'll be first in line that night so we get a close seat.
  • We had kindergarten registration today, and he got to meet his new teacher (who unfortunately will be on maternity leave when he starts the school year) (this will again be a very emotional time for me)  When the teacher said all he should know to start kindergarten he told me that he knows all that already, so I guess we're all set.
  • Still loves Star Wars, Legos, Scooby Doo, Ninja Turtles, and recently Ghostbusters.
  • Working on getting his green belt in karate, hopefully he can test in June, he has 4 of the 7 stripes needed
  • Apparently he has a girlfriend at school or at least a girl who likes him.  His teacher told me a little girl asked to sit by him one time and his face turned bright red (I guess that's hereditary), she also asked the snack person to put their lunch boxes together, and greets us everytime we get to school.  If you ask him about this though he just says, "Shh."
  • His teacher said he is very smart and knows a lot but doesn't like to raise his hand when she knows that he knows the answer (another thing that is apparently hereditary)
  • He is trying to read a book at home so that he can read it to the class, he is currently working on Biscuit.  He is really excited about learning to read.
  • One favorite new activity is playing with the IPad (my IPad).  He can even tell me if a new game he wants is a free one.
  • One of his favorite songs right now, which I can not figure out is Rumor Has it by Adele.  Don't ask me. 
  • In summer he wants to do T-ball, Kindermusik, and a new class called Little Rising Stars (they sing, put on small plays, do crafts, its right up his alley)
  • Adorable quotes- "Should we drive in the rain, because the car is made of metal and there will be lightning."  "I thought you hit off a tee in golf, why do they call baseball t-ball then."
  • Still the best and sweetest big brother in the world.
 His teacher does the most awesome theme weeks, and really decorates for them.  And yes I'm the dorky mom who asks if she can come in and take pictures.  This was for space week.  There was a rocket in the corner you could actually go in.  How cool is that.  Plus on the first day when we got there all the lights were off and twinkle lights were on as well as glow in the dark stars and planets. 
 Here he is in the rocket ready for take off with Little Anakin.
 Dinosaur week, you can't tell but he also has a dinosaur shirt on. 
***Just a reminder if you ever want to go back and look at old posts make sure to click on the link to the website you get in the emails.  On the right hand side are all the old posts. 

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