
Friday, March 7, 2014

Baby Shower

Last weekend was Barbie, Steve, and Logan's baby shower.
 The parents to be
 Mikayla, Molly, Ti ti, Uncle Steve, and Matthew
 Nine closed her eyes

 It was a western theme, thats why Molly has on cowboy boots and Matthew a hat.

 We had it at Pilot Pete's

 The blanket I made to match Logan's room
 Our gift to the new parents and Logan

 My mom and I made all these soaps for the favors, they are fun and easy so they will now be favors at every party we have.
 I made baby boots in different sizes and colors for decoration and for Logan to have.

 We had everyone make a page for an alphabet for Logan, it turned out really cute

 This was more that didn't fit in our big welcome wagon so Logan got his own little wagon too.
 More activities

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