
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mom and Son Night-Randoms

Last Friday at the Bloomingdale Park District they had mom and son night.  We got to get dressed up and go have fun and dance.  Its nice to be able to get some one on one time with Matthew and I'm sure Grant felt the same with Molly.  They are a little different when they are by themselves.

 Matthew made this at the dance, then the carnation came from the dance.  At the end each boy gives his mom a flower and asks to dance.
 He was exhausted.
 I included this because it was pretty cute, he said who his valentine was.  This is who we joke is  his girlfriend at school.
 Molly's attempts at putting make up on

 I went to use this lipstick the other day, and it was completely trashed.

 Aren't they sweet when they sleep.

The picture they took of us at the dance.

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