
Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer Randoms

I feel like the summer has gotten away from us this year.  I don't feel like we have done that much.  We do have some good times hanging out at home though.
 Max is very into taking pictures lately.
 Max's first time bowling, he loved it.  He told the ball to "go, go go."

 Matthew looks like he is going to chuck that ball
 Water table at Nine and Bo bo's house.

 Bath time is always fun

 See there is that smile again.

 Matthew and Molly asleep in Matthew's bed.  They are so sweet they want to have sleepovers in each other's rooms every night.  Mostly Matthew's room though.

 Max thought his stroller needed a cup holder because he had to carry his drink.

 Molly was so proud she dressed her Bitty Twins all by herself.  Their names our Minnie and Mickey.
 He loves this toy.

 This is Max's snacking/relaxing chair.  He can also watch Logan when he sits in it.

You can't tell from the picture but he was actually rocking Logan, it was so sweet.  He loves his cousin.

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