
Friday, July 25, 2014

Swim Lessons

The kids just finished up swim lessons for this session and they loved it.  Matthew and Molly both are moving up to the next level when we sign up for another session.  Both of their report cards said that they loved to help demonstrate for the class what they were supposed to do.  They obviously don't get that outgoing personality trait from me, I would not have acted like that.  Matthew's teacher said he worked really hard and that it paid off.  They all 3 love the water and do a great job.

 Molly girl with a big smile on her face.

 Molly and Max's classes were right next to each other so of course Molly would have to stop and say hello.
 It's Raining, It's Pouring

 Matthew jumped into 12 feet of water with the noodle, he did so great.  We are so proud of how far he has come swimming.

Max loves to jump in the pool now.  At first he would only sit, but now he takes steps off and into the water.  You can tell he tries to jump, but doesn't quite know how to jump yet.  

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