
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pirate's Cove

Saturday we went to Pirate's Cove with the kids as more celebration of the last days before school.
 3 kids all looking at the same time is very hard.  Here Molly isn't looking
 and here Max
 This carousel actually goes pretty fast and there are no belts.  This one insists on waving every time around too.  I kept telling him two hands, hold on.
 Molly, Daddy, Max, and Matthew

 Molly, Mommy, Max, and Matthew

 Matthew did great on these and didn't need the people who worked there to push him.  He has some muscle in those skinny arms.

 When his boat got close to Molly's he waved at her, it was so cute.

 Splash things are always fun for this 3.

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