
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Random Week of Fun

We tried to cram a lot of fun stuff into the last week before school starts.
 We tried the Drive In for the first time.  We saw Guardians of the Galaxy.  The kids loved it, Max may not be invited back again if we go anytime soon.
 The whole way there Molly was baffled but what exactly we were going to do.  (Matthew just ate a blue push pop)
 Its hard to tell but she has her hoodie on upside down.

 We went to Legoland
 Matthew's spaceship

 Matthew made him and his friend Kyle

 This is Ella, Molly, Matthew, and Kyle

 Max, Ella, Molly, Matthew, and Kyle

 a Frozen inflatable-We went to the back to school bash at the Roselle Park District with Joe, Juliana, Connor, and Mackenzie

 This was funny, Matthew and Molly raced and Connor and Matthew.  You are tethered to the wall and you run and put your beanbag on the wall.  The point is to see whose gets the farthest.

 Saturday we went to the Treehouse Place in Lake Zurich

 Princess Sofia the First
 Max rocking the saggy pants
 Mustache chocolate
What a face

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