
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Robot Week

We have not done many weeks this summer and I am very frustrated with that.  I also realized Matthew is already going back to school very soon.  I need to get two important weeks in before he goes back, so next week is Frozen for Molly and then Lego week for Matthew.  This week we did some awesome robot activities.
 They made robots out of different shapes.

 They designed robots given different parts.  Matthew just had a head and he made a Matthew robot.  Molly's had the center piece.

 They love the dice graph game so I try to do it a lot.  This one was related to Wall-E, who is a robot.
 This book Nine got us.  As you read it there are pieces to take out and you get to make your own robot just like the story.

 We made an actual robot out of lots of different parts.  It didn't really move or anything but it looked really cool.  Even Max was trying to do things.

 Our finished robot, I was pretty impressed with what it looked like.  They did a great job.

 Robot high fives.
We found a robot drawing book, here is Matthew's drawing.  He followed the directions in the book.

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